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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Outfit: Hawai'i!

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n
I'm back from Hawaii!... and darker, too. =P I actually went thrifting while on the Big Island! haha I found two great vintage Hawaiian dresses. This one I altered to be shorter. I need to do the same to the other one.

ox head earrings: made by me
vintage Hawaiian dress: thrifted at Salvation Army in Hilo, Hawaii
boots: thrifted at Thrift Town San Leandro

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Slowly Purging

for sale

I've got a lot of clothes and accessories that I haven't touched in a while or haven't even worn at all. So I'll be selling them. Most are $5 and under. =) Go shop!

Great Wear Really is Great

I know I'm up pretty late, but I can't get to sleep just yet. You know how you get a burst of energy after a workout? Yeah. So now I'd like to rave about my recent discovery of the perfect eyeliner. Maybelline's Great Wear waterproof and smudgeproof eyeliner is really what it's name indicates, great wear. It glides on so smoothly, and does not smudge throughout the day! Even after my workout, it stayed put. I bought them in a variety of colors: onyx, dark chocolate, deep plum, jade. After I first tried this eyeliner, I stocked up on some more. I got them at the 99cent store. I know, you're thinking You use makeup from the 99cent store?! But not to worry, they still work wonders. Plus can't beat the price when they're regularly $6!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thrift Finds

Haven't been thrifting in what seems like ages! =P So I headed to my usual shop, Thrift Town, today to do some hunting. And I found some great stuff!

I absolutely love this retro/vintage swimsuit by Sirena! The padding made my breasts look abnormal, so I ripped them out. Now it's perfection! Bought for $3.99.

I've been searching eBay for boots like these. Good thing I held off, cuz I bought these for $4.99.

I like this straw clutch wallet, but not exactly sure when I'd use it. But at 69cents, I just bought it anyway. haha

Tokidoki will Make Me VERY Poor

Originally uploaded by mellietastic
Hello, Buon Viaggio (I think) in Tutti print! You shall be my next purchase (along with Bitten coats). *drooool* =d Oh, and I do believe that the new Tutti prints come with a new qee! =D

Monday, July 30, 2007

Cheap UO Goodness

By way of Kori, I came across a bountiful abundance of great bargains in Urban Outfitters' sale sections. I didn't find anything I like in apparel, but many of the shoes and accessories were marked down to as low as $1.99! So the "compulsive shopper" in me bought these lovelies! (Ken's sister and I ordered together to split shipping costs. =D)

Floral Printed Mary Janes $1.99!!!
I got both since they're so cheap.

Canvas Quarterstrap Flat $4.99

Rope Belt $4.99

Filigree Pendant $4.99
Embossed Horseshoe Necklace $4.99

DIY: Jersey Wrapped Pearl Necklace & Knotted Headwrap

click to enlarge

While browsing Style Bubble, I discovered some beautiful jewelry by a designer by the name of Maria Lau. One of the peices, however, especially caught my eye because of it's simplicity to recreate -- a jersey knit wrapped pearl necklace! Sew some tubes of jersey knit big enough to cover the pearls, but tight enough to show off their curvature. String the pearls, then encase them with the tubes. Finish of the closure, and you're complete!

click to enlarge

I was about to purchase this knotted headwrap at Urban Outfitters, but I stopped myself thinking I could make it myself. I have a love for headbands/headscarves/headwraps! Sew a tube of fabric a little longer than the circumference of your skull, tie a knot in the middle, iron down to crease the sides, and then sew the ends together. Viola! =P

Revolve Clothing

Is it possible to fall in love with an online boutique? I can't get enough out of RevolveClothing! Everything in this store makes me salivate. However, most everything they sell is expensive. I've made a purchase once, and I have to say that that was the fastest anything bought online has arrived on my doorstep. Free 2-3 day priority shipping and free return shipping! That's my type of shipping! haha!

Their shoe department is just gorgeous! I love these! mMmm, gotta love the ankle strap(s).

Lamb - Oxford Pump $312

Nanette Lepore - Bombshell Heel $198

Nanette Lepore - Glamour Girl Wedge $233

Twelfth Street Candie Bow Tie Mary Janes $159

Twelfth Street Bettina Eyelet T-Strap Wedge $189

Since I'm already tall (for an Asian at least), I usually don't wear anything higher than one inch. But if these were within my buget, I'd snatch them up with the quickness and pray that my boyfriend is another 4inches taller the next time I see him. hahaha! Just kidding, Ken! =P

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Outfit: Connie's Birthday

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n

Yesterday, went to have sushi for lunch and watched the Simpsons movie with Connie, Rox, and our boyfs for Connie's birthday! Looks like I'm awkwardly squatting, but I'm really sitting on Homer's lap. =P

dress: Urban Outfitters
black and blue striped cardigan: Express
gray tights: Urban Outfitters
purse: tokidoki for LeSportsac
shoes: vintage Jeff & Kristi bow flats (nothing new)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

S&B's Grand Openning!!!

My wish has come true! Steve & Barry's Newpark mall (in Newark) grand openning will be August 1rst! As soon as Mochi (my sister, who's real name is Emily) comes home from Irvine, we will hit it up and cross our fingers hoping that the Bitten coats will be stocked early... before we head to Hawaii. If not, I'll make the boyfriend go grab some for us. mwahahahaha!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Harajuku Lovers Lover?


I have never been a real fan of Gwen Stefani's line of handbags Harajuku Lovers because I'm obsessed with Tokidoki. But for some odd reason, I found myself buying one, "First Class" style bag in the Carousel print. o.0 Why? I don't know. I don't need one. It's cute, but I'm not in love with it. The only use I'd put into it would be to carry my textbooks. Hmm, so I don't know whether I should keep it. What do you think?

Oh yes, I decided to keep the dress