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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sweaters, Apples, and Owls... Oh my!

Latest purchases.

Target - Xhilaration Ruched-Sleeve Crewneck Sweater
($16.99, but now on sale for $12.99)

Wet Seal - Kabuki Sleeve V-Neck Sweater (on sale for $10)

Wet Seal - apple necklace ($7)
Almost exctly the same except there aren't any crystals and the color is green.

Forever21 - owl necklace ($5.80)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring has sprung!

The days are getting warmer, which means it's time to bask in the sunlight... and dip into the water! It's time to get out the swimsuits! Or if you're like me, time to be on the hunt for a new one for this year.

Since I have unwanted bodily protrusions, namely my belly, I usually go for styles with more coverage, such as one pieces and tankinis. (Maybe one day I'll be able to strut a bikini. <-- Wishful thinking.) However, as cute as tube top one pieces can be, I try to steer clear of them. The last swimsuit I purchased was a tube top one piece, and it was a big mistake. Whenever I wore it, I kept having to pull it up after it had fallen too low on my chest. What an annoyance! So here are my picks for swim attire.

Betsey Johnson - Hot Dot tankini top ($98) & bikini bottom ($66)

Gap - polka dot one piece ($39.50)

Newport - polka dot maillot ($39)

Newport - black crochet tankini ($19.99)

Newport - brown crochet tankini ($29)

I seem to lean towards polka dots and crochet this time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yes, I am a compulsive shopper.

Though I generally tend not to spend an extravagant price on anything, I often accumulate many good priced things which add up extravagantly. haha! I rarely pay full price for anything.

On occasion I do find myself splurging, but it has to be something I'm dying to have. For instance, Tokidoki created by the creative Italian artist, Simone Legno; I have such a weak spot for Tokidoki (hence the layout)! My latest splurge?... This Tokidoki hoodie, which cost me a total of $102.32. =P I didn't want to shell out money for it at the time because I was somewhat low on funds. But I knew if I didn't get it then that it'd be sold out with the quickness. Good thing I did get it when I did; Metropark's stock of Tokidoki hoodies was gone within two days.

Yummy! =d
(Photo not of me.)

Besides this hoodie, my Tokidoki collection consists of two Tokidoki for LeSportsac purses (Dolce - Summer '06 print & Gioco - Citta print), a Tokidoki for LeSportsac duffle (Luna - Citta print), and a Tokidoki for LeSportsac wallet (Denaro - Summer '06 print).

Tokidoki has also collaborated with Fornarina by making shoes -- heels and sneakers. In the near future, Tokidoki will be releasing items collaborated with Hello Kitty, which I'm also a big fan of! I'm so excited!