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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Outfit: Hot Pink?!

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n
I raaaaaarely wear pink, but I like the dress. =D

+ gold headband: Goody, from 99cent Store
+ elephant necklace: Forever21
+ elastic belt: thrifted at Thrift Town
+ hot pink cotton dress: found and stole from Mom's closet
+ leggings: One Step Up
+ flats: Urban Outfitters, I think

Bay Area weather is killing me! Why won't it warm up?!
Sorry for the blurry picture!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Outfit: I'm Ready for You, Summer!

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n
If it were a little warmer, I wouldn't have worn pants.

+ purple headband: Aldo
+ metal ox earrings: made by me
+ black heart necklace: I forgot
+ black cocktail ring: Claire's
+ polkadot tunic: One Clothing
+ skinny jeans: Levi's
+ black jelly wedge flats: Lola

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Outfit: Anthropologie Inspired

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n
Well, at least the older seasons of Anthropologie.

+ gold mesh headband
+ brass earrings
+ teal Target cropped cardigan
+ black One Clothing crochet-top tank
+ Ben Sherman straight legged jeans
+ bronze Rocketdog flats

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Shorts Emergency

I've been in a desperate need for new shorts! The only two shorts I owned were too big for me now. They were also pretty short. Since I'm getting older now, I decided I should start wearing shorts with a longer length. Not as long as a bermuda length however; They make me look stumpy.

I also decided that I need a variety of different shorts: denim, black, and a print (most likely a plaid). I stay away from white bottoms because I feel exposed in them. Most white bottoms seem pretty sheer to me. I also stay away from khaki bottoms, just because I feel they don't suit me.

So I kept my eye out, and most of the ones I was attracted to were ones with cuffs. I believe cuffed shorts are the trend now, as I have been spotting them all over the place. So far, I've purchased two pairs of shorts.

Patrick Robinson for Target denim shorts - dark wash, $24.50

I love the length, and I love all the details! There are zipper pockets in the front and in the back. There's a short knit elastic band in the back of the waistband. I also like that it's not a low waist. And it fits my tush nicely!

Express "short short" - Hampton Blue color, $3.66!!!! (originally $24.50)

They were 25% off, plus I had a $15off coupon! I know these aren't exactly a much longer style, but they're still longer than my old shorts. For the price, I'm not complaining! I love it's wide waistband and cute pleats. I would have wanted these in black though. However, for the $24.50 original price, there were none.

I'm still on the hunt for black shorts and a printed pair. Express had some Editor style black shorts in the clearance racks for $14.99, but, unfortunately, none in my size. Maybe I'll try another Express store.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Opening Up Shop on Etsy

I'm considering opening up a shop on Etsy.com. Etsy is a website designed so that crafters can sell their handmade items online. But of course there are fees. It's 20cents to post each item. Then there's a 3.5% fee of your total earnings, not including shipping. I would say that's pretty fair. =)

However, I'm having trouble figuring out what to name my shop. =/ Little help? I'll be selling mostly accessories (ex. earrings, necklaces, pendants, belts, pins) made with mediums such as polymer clay, metal findings, beads, fabrics, charms, etc. I'm contemplating whether or not to make coasters and decorated shoes also.

I'm just waiting for my last final tomorrow to be over with so that I can spend the summer crafting like a mad-lady! mwahahahaha!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Outfit: Comfy Cozy

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n.
Yum, comfy outfit! Perfect for studying for finals in.

+ wide gray and silver zebra print headband - from Ross
+ silver earrings - made by me
+ Love by Design black and white striped shirt
+ Planet Gold black bubble dress
+ One Step Up leggings
+ Report canvas flats

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tokidoki for Lesportsac Summer '07 Prints

I'm kinda late in posting this, but oh well. Considering I'm a huge fan of Tokidoki, I don't keep as up-to-date as I'd like to. =P These are the latest prints for this Summer's line of Tokidoki for Lesportsac bags: Amore (which is mostly sold out by now) and Spiaggia (which is still available online).



The Tokidoki for Lesportsac line will be coming to a close this year. =( Four more prints, however, will be released before it's end: Famiglia (Rhymes with Milo Ventimiglia! heehee!) - which will be out end of next month/early July, Tutti - which will be out end of July/early August, Transporto - which will be out end of August/early September, and Vacanze - the final print, which will be out in October. *sigh* I'll be sad to see you go.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Kills of the Thrift Hunt

I've been itching to thrift shop. So to reward myself for feeling confident that I did well on an exam today, I headed to Thrift Town! Here are my purchases:

sheer lace print top ($2.99)

yellow embroibered top/tunic/dress ($5.99)

bronze Rocketdog flats ($3.99)

I saw a pair of Coach sneakers for only $4.99, but I couldn't see myself wearing them. But now I kinda regret not getting them. -_- Someone probably bought it already. Oh well.

Outfit: Skinny Jelly Flowers

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n.
haha! Couldn't think of a decent title. =P

+ thrifted turquoise leaf earrings
+ black Target cardigan
+ vintage floral shirt w/ tie collar - from grandma
+ black Levi's skinny jeans
+ black Lola jelly wedges

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Outfit: Mother's Shirt on Mother's Day

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n.

+ yellow plastic headband - from my childhood
+ blue handmade crochet earrings
+ vintage embroidered blouse - taken from my mom's closet
+ thrifted elastic belt - from Thrift Town
+ Levi's skinny jeans
+ yellow Chinese Laundry slingback cork wedges

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Outfit: Forgot my shoes!

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n.

+ green headband - from my childhood
+ blue handmade crochet earrings - from a Craftster swap
+ Wet Seal green apple necklace
+ Target olive snap-button top - from Roxanne
+ Proenza Schouler for Target tank top
+ Roxy denim shorts (Bought on a cruise ship because I didn't pack any shorts!)
+ vintage One Step Up leggings - found mysteriously at home
+ Report black (unbuckled) canvas flats - from a swap with diditrocious

Fashion on Flickr

Originally uploaded by esclamati0n.

Lately I've been browsing through a group on Flickr called Wardrobe Remix. It's a group where people photograph themselves wearing the creative outfits that they put together from their wardrobes. So many of these outfits are so inspiring! I love how these people mix things up. I joined the group a few months ago, but have only managed to post two outfits to the group. That's mainly because I didn't know how to use the self-timer on my camera until now. haha! So hopefully I'll add more to the group more frequently. I'll also be posting them up on this blog! =)

Here's what I was wearing yesterday.
+ purple Aldo headband
+ Target leaf earrings
+ vintage Gunnies by Jessica McClintock floral blouse with lace (used to be my mom's)
+ purple Target shirt (underneath)
+ thrifted gray v-belt from Thrift Town
+ gray Target skinny jeans
+ Target black suede boots

I've noticed that about a fourth of my warbrobe comes from Target. haha =P

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Vintage from Grandma

My Grandma usually hates the clothes I wear, so she hands me tons of clothes, mostly vintage, she'd like to see me in. A quarter of the time, I receive stuff I'd actually wear, like these.

top: floral, puff sleeved, ties at collar

top: polka dot, cap sleeved, ties at collar

dress: striped, puff sleeved, pearl buttons, cinched waist with belt

dress: striped, puff sleeved, ruffle at top and on sleeves, cinched waist with tie

Motivational Swimsuit

Crochet swimsuits are yum, too! I took a leap and bought a two piece [that's not a tankini]! It's flattering, but I still need some more working out to do. The hard part is jumping back on the horse. =P (Looks better in real life than in the picture.)

Target's Mossimo crochet swimwear
($8.98 each piece)

Target's latest Go:International designer's Patrick Robinson. I love his Grecian/Bohemian-feel collection, especially all the medallion print pieces. At the Target I shopped at today, I had wanted to try on the medallion print one piece, but they only had extra-small and extra-large available. =( Hopefully the next Target I go to will have my size in stock so that I can see how it fits on me.
EDIT (05.10.07) Went to another Target today. Tried it, fit it, looked good in it, bought it! w00t! hahaha!

Patrick Robinson for Target - medallion print swimsuit

Monday, May 7, 2007

Swimming in Sweet Florals

The weather had turned chilly again, but the heat is back... and so is another post on swimsuits. I really love the chic look of lots of floral pieces, such as these.

CeaSwim one-piece

California Waves halter and bikini

Maia halter and skirt bikini

Rampage bandeau halter and bikini

Betsey Johnson top, halter, and bikini

Luli Fama halter and bikini

Luli Fama halter and bikini

Now I've got to start working out again.

The Kills of the Thrift Hunt

I LOVE scrounging thrift stores for loverly treasures! Sometimes I'm unlucky and leave empty-handed. But this last trip to Thrift Town was successful! =D And here are the kills of my hunt!

gray v-belt ($2.99)

coat from the 80's... erm, I think (only $3.99!)